Nevsky Express train

Russian train Nevsky Express

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Maximum speed 200 km/h
Number of cars 12
Classes of service 2
Main route Moscow - St. Petersburg
Nevsky Express

Nevsky Express train reaches Saint-Petersburg from Moscow without stops in 4 hours. It operates since 2001 being the first Russian high-speed train. The speed of the train reaches 200 kmk/h. The train mostly consists of the seating cars with 6-seater compartments. There are two sofas and a table in each compartment. Sometimes there are additional open-planned seating cars. A/c and bio-toilets are available in each car. Meals are included in the ticket price of any seat of the train. Delivery from the restaurant to the compartment is also available.

Classes of cariages of the train Nevsky Express

Seating carriage

Seating carriages have soft seats and folding tabels like on the plane. There are several classes of seating carriages, which differ depending on included services and seats arrangement.

Seating carriage

Nevsky Express train facilities


Eco-friendly toilets in all cars


Transportation of animals is allowed in carriage No. 2 (service class 1Ж).

For disabled

Car No. 5 has a special compartment for passengers with limited mobility, equipped with seating.

Map of the main route

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